This Is It. 30 Essays In 30 Days. These Are The Essays That Resonated Most.
So here I am at the end of my Ship30for30 course. I’ve published an essay everyday for the past 29 days. For this final essay, I thought I’ll look at Twitter Analytics and pick out the essays that resonated most with people.
#1 My youngest turns 3 today. I’m learning so much from him and his siblings everyday.
Kids are fearless learners, don’t give up easily, and are endlessly creative. Adults should learn from them.
#2 Don’t make kids learn coding. Take it from me. I run a coding school for kids.
Coding is just a means to an end. Curiosity, imagination and empathy are far more important and valuable traits.
#3 My son is unschooled and he loves it.
Galileo is an online school where students can choose what to learn and which skills they’ll need to thrive in the 21st Century.
#4 Five things I learnt building an education business the market is not ready for and why I’m still doing it.
Starting a company is about bringing your vision to the world. Stay true to that vision.
#5 36 Hours In Joo Chiat. I Live In The Most Hipster Neighbourhood In Singapore. These Are My Favourite Places.
Why I think Joo Chiat is as cool as Hayes Valley in SF, Shoreditch in London and Tomigaya in Tokyo.
#6 Kids need to learn how to learn.
The ability to learn how to learn, or meta learning, is arguably the most important skill every child needs to master.
#7 I started longboarding at 38 and now I longboard everywhere.
Learning anything new is all about trying, failing, picking yourself up, and doing it all over again.
#8 Alternatives to taking on student debt and spending a lifetime paying it off.
Viable alternatives to college degrees — build a digital portfolio, launch a startup, be a creator.
This writing habit will stay with me, but for now I am going to take a break from writing and publishing everyday. A few people have asked me to compile my essays into an e-book. Another idea is to turn some of the ones listed above into a Twitter thread. This is goodbye for now, not goodbye forever.
Thank you for reading.